Transition Design: Cultivating our Collective Agency for Just and Sustainable Futures
Facilitated by Zeynep Falay von Flittner and Iines Reinikainen
Theme: Theory of impact
Join us for an engaging workshop where we will explore the principles and practices of Transition Design. This workshop is designed to help you develop the skills and insights necessary to push/negotiate a longer-term transformation agenda within your organization. You will be introduced to theories of systems thinking, sustainability, and futures, complemented by practical reflection and exercises on how you can apply transition design in your work context. Be inspired by real-world examples and cultivate your collective agency to push for meaningful change.
#SustainablePractice #SystemThinking #FuturesThinking #Methods #Theory #Mindset
Falay Transition Design
Zeynep Falay von Flittner
Founder of Falay Transiton Design
Zeynep combines systems thinking, foresight, and human-centric design to develop new methods and approaches to support companies and networks and build new capabilities around sustainability transitions. She is the founder of Falay Transition Design Design, a collective of transition designers, artists and sustainability experts using system-aware creative practice to catalyse regenerative futures. She is also one of the founding Creative Leaders of Neol. Before starting her own practice Zeynep has worked 15+ years in leading design agencies such as Fjord, and Hellon.
Iines Reinikainen
Transition designer at Falay Transition Design
Iines is a designer for sustainability transformations, with a background in visual communication design and visual arts. Iines combines visual practices with sustainability knowledge, systems thinking, collaboration and participation design. In their work, Iines highlights the power of creativity, imagination and collective approaches toward ecologically and socially just futures.